Friday, September 29, 2006

For the Record, Re Hannity


Okay, you have our attention!

Since the posting on your site about the Sean Hannity show, we have
received hundreds of emails, phone calls, etc., with your opinions.

To clarify, we didn’t hire Mr. Hannity as a spokesperson and he is not
receiving compensation from GM for this promotion. What we are doing is
running a promotion on his show where Mr. Hannity is featuring three of
our newest products every week and listeners can register to win their
choice of the three vehicles.

As the head of Sales and Marketing for GM, my job is not to create
political controversy but preferably to create interest in our
world-class lineup of vehicles. Looks like we are doing a bit of both
with this promotion.

GM is the biggest advertiser in America and to tell our story we
advertise across a tremendously wide array of media trying to connect
with all Americans irrespective of ethnic, religious or political
affiliations. We just want folks to experience our products.

We want to reach you on the shows you listen to. Below is my email
address. Please let me know the shows where you would like to hear or
see our advertising - perhaps even a similar promotion to the one
currently being run on Hannity. We may already be on many of the
programs that you enjoy. If not, we will sure look at them. Also, if
you are interested in hearing more about any of our new products or our
business turnaround, we will be happy to address that as well.

I appreciate your views and I welcome your suggestions.

Mark LaNeve
GM Vice President Sales and Marketing
Phone number: (313) 665-1357
email address:

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