Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Runnin' Up That Hill

Dark Meat was difficult this weekend! For some reason it would take all day to download to iTunes, then once it did, I played it back and heard a problem to my horror. A bizarre technical problem resulted in every other song faded down to zero. I had to fix that and re-upload, and I just hope I didn't lose any listeners.
And now I find out that a group I played called rotflmao, which cites Rickie Lee Jones and the Squirrel Nut Zippers as their influences, comprises Rickie Lee Jones and the Squirrel Nut Zippers. I thought that vocalist sounded familiar, but I assumed she was trying to. I had no idea she couldn't help it.
Tonight's Boxoffice podcast was also going to be easier than it is. Since my rehearsals are going to be on Tuesdays, I decided to try recording everything except the TV ratings segment last night, but I didn't have time to write the show at work, so I tried going off the top of my head for the commentary.
Train wreck.
So I'm going to redo the last half of the show tonight and then upload. And we're all richer for it.

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