Wednesday, August 08, 2007

You Can't Imagine How Boring I Can Be

Sherlock Holmes. Famous detective. Brilliant guy, if fictional. He had a few quirks, not the least of which was he was a drug addict. If there was not a case to occupy his mind, he would turn to cocaine, a 7% solution self-injected into his forearm.

I bring this up to explain why I'm not writing lately. Writing, you see, is my cocaine. It's something I do when my awesome mental powers aren't needed elsewhere. Sadly, I'm putting them to use in the service of getting my own life back together. Look, it was a bad week. My divorce progressed painfully, I moved out of my house and into the swinging bachelor pad, and the very day after I got into the new place they laid me off from my job. I worked for a subprime mortgage lender. Should have seen it comin'

Anyway you'd think I'd have more free time but I have less. I spend most of the weekday work hours looking for work. And surely you know that finding work is way more work than doing work. Then in the evenings, after the temp agencies are closed, I try to beat my little studio apartment into place. I have been haunting the thrift stores trying to find the perfect kitchen table, the best salt shakers. I've been keeping an eye out for the right shade of blonde wood. I've been going through my digital photo library and finding good pictures that don't have my ex-wife or ex-dogs in them.

I've been installing water filters so I don't have to buy bottled water.

I'm excited as hell because tomorrow they finally turn on the gas in this place and I can boil water and make my own pasta, which I will top with frozen meatballs, oregano, and olive oil.

Anyway, I have a job interview tomorrow and sooner or later I'll run out of things to buy for the place (I still have to find a set of throw pillows for that futon!) and then, I'll be writing all the time to alleviate the boredom of living in a tiny place like this.

Or, hopefully, dating.


  1. Keep the faith, Piker. Been thru 2 D's myself - they are never easy or fun. However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Aerosmith sang it might be ourselves. Things will get better, Bro... Good luck on the interview and you're in my prayers.....GWK

  2. Hey buddy:

    I've been wondering where you've been lately.

    Keep your chin up, it's bound to get better. Soon you'll have a swanky new WAMK t-shirt to help you score some chicks.

    Couldn't hurt to wear it in an interview, either!

    That being said, I will be mailing yours out tomorrow-make sure to hit my g-mail address with the location you want it sent to.

    Those bastards at the old job would probably keep it. Can't have WAMK gear falling into the wrong hands!

    I wish we all were in the same town-GWK, AmeriDan, Jimmy C and I could take you out for a few beers!
