Friday, September 07, 2007

Early Adopters are Crybabies

Forgive my bluntness but if you spent $600 dollars on a damn cell phone, and they drop the price to $400 dollars, it's not Apple Inc. you should be mad at. You should be mad at yourself for spending $600 on a damn cell phone.

Wall Street hasn't reacted well to the swirling miasma of controversey surrounding the iPhone price cut either. Even though Apple is only giving back $100 worth of retail goods in response, the stock price dropped today. This makes it a pretty good bargain, because the price will climb again when people realize that the actual cost of each refund is only $40, and they will be moving items off the shelves. Also don't be fooled into thinking Apple dropped the price because the iPhone wasn't selling. They dropped the price because they're finally confident they can meet demand.

Look, get over it. Why were you willing to wait in line to throw $600 at a candy bar that took voicemail? Because you wanted the latest, coolest thing before everybody else. And that's what you had. It's still the latest, coolest thing, but now more people will have it, that's all.

Incidentally, it costs about $250 in materials to make an iPhone, so that markup was just crazy. You should have seen it coming.

1 comment:

  1. Crybabies blow.

    Next in line will be the folks who shelled out $1,000 to be the first to get an Xbox on eBay.

    I've always felt that anyone who bought the first of any new product gets what they deserve. Be it cars, technology, or being the first in line at the new "hot" movie, often wind up being disappointed..

    My new BlackBerry is quite cool, and it "only" cost me $150 after the rebates. Silly iPhone losers.

    How's Dunder Mifflin treating you, by the way?
