Thursday, September 27, 2007

I'm Too Busy!

Here's the big paradox of me: I tend to like structure in my life, but I get nervous when I don't have a lot of free time. I'm reflecting on this now because I'm literally booked solid until Sunday morning. After work I have an hour and a half to pump out BOX OFFICE WEEKLY, then I go to rehearsal, and then try to get 8 hours sleep. Tomorrow I get up, go to work, and when I come home I hope to clean the apartment AND design 'n' print up cards for my trip to the Podcasting Expo in Ontario CA on Saturday. And I got to do both those things by 8:00pm because I have a date.

Sunday night I have another play rehearsal too, which means I could put off the apartment until then, but that's not a wise strategy. I didn't clean the place last weekend and it's getting a little bachelor-y in there.

I'm beside myself. Actually I wish I were beside myself, because I could get twice as much done.

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