Friday, September 14, 2007

Sexual Politics, Chimp-Style

Now that I'm dating again, this is sobering news:
Behavioural psychologists found that female chimps mate with the males that give them the most fruit, while male chimps steal "desirable" fruits such as papaya from farms and orchards in a bid to woo potential mates. Oranges, pineapples and maize are among the most sought after crops, with bananas proving far less popular.
Oh great. Am I going to have to start stealing just to get a date?

"The male who shared the most food engaged in more consortships and received more grooming than the other males, even the alpha male. Therefore the male chimpanzees appear to be 'showing off' and trading their forbidden fruit for other currencies, for example 'food-for-sex' and 'food-for-grooming'.

I've always prided myself, even before I was married, on never having to feed for it.

I haven't been on a lot of dates so far (okay, 2) and so far only one of them involved food. Sadly neither one has involved grooming. Well, mutual grooming anyway. I did shower first.

Still, I'm on a limited budget until I pay off my moving expenses and furniture. Damn anthropologists! why can't you keep your crackpot observations to yourselves!

Wait a minute... I wonder if chicks would accept pirated software as a substitute? Hmmmm.


  1. Forget the fruit.

    Just wear the WAMK shirt. Trust me.

    You'll be seeing "boob" in no time.

  2. Hey, check out the new blog in my blogroll. If you go there, and click on "directory", you can get added to the "Left" side of the blogosphere that talks about politics and such.

    Good way to get a read on what folks are talking about out there, from both sides of the aisle..

  3. hmm, i think its safe to say that if girls took pirated software as a form of currency, you would be standing in a gold mine my friend. GOLD MINE.
