Friday, August 01, 2008


Look at this comment!
It sure looks as if the camp of the BO is playing a lot of defense; not good so early on.
The guy didn't give a name (he's ashamed! Or, he simply forgot) but this infuriates me. A man surrounded by mosquitoes is going to be on defense too, and the attacks on Obama have a distinctly small, annoying quality to them. My own criticism of Obama, and the left in general, and even myself, is that we're not going as negative on McCain. The great thing about him is that all we have to do is throw his quotes around. We can prove any negative about McCain - we either use something he said yesterday, or if it's not unpopular enough we can just use something he said in 2000 or 2004.

Because the straight-talk express goes in whatever direction the votes are, don't ya know. McCain was both against the war, then for it; he was against the way the war was being fought, then for it, then he was against it and for it again.

When the Obama/McCain debates happen, I hope Obama has the good sense to demand access to Google during them. McCain can have it to; he's not good with the internets. Maybe he can demand access to a stack of newspapers instead. Anyway, when McCain says "I've always been for the Bush tax cuts" it would be handy to have access to the video of him saying otherwise.

Plus, do we want to go to the trouble of electing a guy who'll die of old age while in office? And what's with the trophy wife? Even Bush Sr. had the sense to be married to a women as unsexy as he was. It was far less unseemly.

And why do we want to put the position of Commander In Chief into the hands of a man who had the bad sense to be captured and imprisoned by the enemy? How is that better than no experience?

And isn't it a little presumptuous of him to keep calling us "his friends?" How does he assume that we're all his friends? Doesn't he have to EARN that first?

I saw footage of him at a prayer meeting and he clearly wasn't into it - I'm pretty sure the man is an Atheist. And someone I know said he would happily perform an abortion if he only had the time. And let me remind you, he destroyed the chances of Mike Huckabee, the guy the far right would have preferred, to be president. He is trying to sink the Republican party.

Okay, that should get the ball rolling.

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