Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Glacial Race to the VP Announcement

Here's an interesting bit of political theatre:
Aug. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said he has decided who his vice presidential running mate will be. He refused to reveal his choice.
What does this add to the national political discourse? Nothing, of course. However, it does encourage more people to sign up for the text message service that Obama will announce the decision on. I thought I read somewhere that the announcement is coming Saturday afternoon, which to me means Friday afternoon, while the press political editors are still at their desks. 

Might as well speculate while I'm at it... who? WHO? Given the statistical dead heat in the polls with McCain, and given this:
Yet perhaps the biggest factor keeping the presidential race close has been Obama’s inability to close the deal with some of Hillary Clinton’s supporters. According to the poll, 52 percent of them say they will vote for Obama, but 21 percent are backing McCain, with an additional 27 percent who are undecided or want to vote for someone else. this:

Obama, Reid Help Clinton Raise $2 Million and Shrink Her Debt 

... it seems inevitable that we got Clintons in the White House again! Not only will this solidify the Democratic base, increasing that poll lead to 70%, but they'll also pick up probably another 10% of Republicans... the FAR RIGHT ten percent!

Now you may ask, who is McCain picking? But after tomorrow afternoon, you might as well stop after "Who is McCain?"


  1. Are you asking "Who is McCain?" today?

  2. Nope, but I'm dying to see who your guy picks to pull his fat out of the fire.

  3. My money is on Romney, while my first choice would be Ms. Palin.

