Thursday, September 04, 2008

Be Careful What You Wish For

Warner Todd Huston is enraged at the liberal media bias again. This time, he notes that Jesse Ventura and D.L. Hughley were on Larry King last night, and they called Republicans "nazis," and there's not a word about it in the liberal media!

My response as follows: When the Press ignores this stuff it means that the accusation "Republicans are Nazis" doesn't get repeated over and over again. If you think your side would benefit from hearing "Republicans are Nazis" repeatedly maybe you could write to CNN and demand that they repeat the clip where Ventura and Hughley insist that Republicans are Nazis. Personally I don't think Republicans are Nazis myself, and I'm sure you don't believe Republicans are Nazis either. If these two think Republicans are Nazis, maybe it's better to not repeat the slur. The slur that Republicans are Nazis.

Later on Huston also cheers McCain for snubbing the press, which I think is a great strategy in the last month before an election. That'll show 'em!

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