Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Palin By Comparison

Just a few minutes ago I read a post on Where Are My Keys that started "here's the reason why the left is terrified of Sarah Palin...". I gotta tell you, I was a lot more terrified on Saturday than I am now.

As much as I'd like the national discussion to not be about Palin's personal life, that's just not the way the game is played nowadays. So predictably the press is focusing on stuff that has nothing do with her ability to fulfill the role of Vice President, which by the way is cheifly agreeing with the President and showing up at funerals for other country's Vice Presidents. In fact, we've just recently learned that the office isn't even part of the executive branch!

She seems likable enough.

So who's terrifed? John McCain cancelled an interview with Larry King because:

Campbell Brown had been caught in the commission of journalism on CNN the night before, asking McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds what decisions Sarah Palin had made as commander-in-chief of the Alaska national guard.
As Joe Klein points out, there was actually a pretty good answer (she deployed them to fight fires) but the McCain camp are furious that someone would dare ask the question! In fact, with the exception of the bloggers and worse, the people who comment on the blogs, the treatment of Sarah Palin has been pretty weak sauce. Nobody is demonizing Sarah Palin, just asking tough questions. I've yet to see someone suggest Sarah Palin is the anti-christ. She lived closer to Russia than most of us, but I haven't seen anyone insist she must be a communist.

Over at Where Are My Keys there have been eleven posts since Aug 31st defending Sarah Palin. It's growing exponentially as the days go on. I'd say the problem isn't Sarah Palin OR the press. The problem is the Republicans always are ready to bring a machine gun to a knife fight. It's worked for them in the past, but America is tired of listening to machine gun fire. I listen to the commentary now and it sounds like backfiring and ricochets to me.


  1. We'll see if you feel the same after she nails her speech tonight. Because of all the Media attention to her, people that have never seen or heard her will tune in tonught to see what all the hub-bub is about.

    In Sarah, many women across the Country will see themselves.

    Tonight is the night the election is won, and the Democrats will be left scratching their heads.


  2. I think she'll do well. She's smart and appealing. But, as I've said, she isn't your candidate for President. And don't forget, the big closer of the convention is McCain.
