Friday, September 05, 2008

This Is The Hand, The Hand That Takes

(Title from Laurie Anderson's O SUPERMAN: Now that's a campaign song!)

Here's a couple of items about the Republican Convention stagecraft. First: Sarah Palin's use of the song BARRACUDA by Heart? Not so popular with the Heart people.

Thursday afternoon, Heart e-mailed out a statement ... "The Republican campaign did not ask for permission to use the song, nor would they have been granted that permission," it read. "We have asked the Republican campaign publicly not to use our music. We hope our wishes will be honored."
Why does Heart hate the America, which fought and died for... wait, they're Canadian. Message: Republicans don't respect foreign dignitaries, and run roughshod over the wishes of women.

Second: During McCain's speech a picture appeared behind him. Apparently it was supposed to be of the Walter Reed Veteran's hospital, but the picture was actually of Walter Reed Middle School in North Hollywood, CA.

In addtion to being the wrong image, it is said to have been distracting during close ups, which offered a shot of McCain surrounded by an unbroken field of green. Photoshop geeks had the time of their lives.

Donna Tobin, Principal, says this on the school's blog:

Permission to use the front of our school for the Republican National Convention was not given by our school nor is the use of our school’s picture an endorsement of any political party or view.”

Message: Republicans will ruin any endeavor that involves our nation's veterans, and run roughshod over the wishes of our nation's schools.

Oh, and don't be fooled by the picture; North Hollywood sucks. Believe me, I used to work there.