Thursday, October 02, 2008

The Debate Was Disappointing

I was hoping for much, much worse from both candidates. Sadly, they both acquitted themselves admirably. In fact, on the whole I think I connected more with Palin. 

There was the usual tiresome hewing to talking points and very little was actually said that mattered. Both sides spent too much time accusing the other of things. But discounting the verbals slips and gaffes, that is, making allowances for unrehearsed sentence formation, either one seemed like a credible Vice President.

One is indebted to SNL for a Palin sketch they did last week, where they pointed out that when she's cornered she really turns on the adorable. I find this a worrisome tendency if she conducts day-to-day business that way. And it raised the hackles on the back of my neck when she tried to shut down mention of the Bush administration with gentle chiding... especially since she did so much of it herself. 

The PBS commentators are right... by not losing, Sarah Palin won the debate.

Oh, I almost forgot - can't wait to see the analysis tomorrow about whether Ifill's far-left bias was a factor. 

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