Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Desperation Roundup

Earlier than I predicted, Sarah Palin re-introduces Rev Wright in the discussion. Again, let's review the logic of this talking point. Rev Wright says blacks have been treated unfairly, therefore he is a racist. Shut up, you racist! Stop talking! You racists should know your place.

Warner Todd Huston goes for the Nazi analogy: Obama Nazi Youth Corps Leader/Teacher Suspended! Even the Fox News story he sources doesn't come right out and SAY Nazi; they're holding on to that one until after the 15th. And again, a helpful reminder... the Nazis and the Klan don't LIKE black people.

The makers of right wing comedy AN AMERICAN CAROL strike out against the vast liberal conspiracy of theatre owners:

Please check your ticket. If you were in fact one of those people that were "mistakenly" sold a ticket for another movie please fill out the form below. Hold on to your ticket so we can have proof.

If you have noticed other irregularities with the theatres in your area please let us know in the comment section below. For instance, Rated R film rating (when in fact we are rated PG-13), posters not being up, not being listed on the marquee, image or focus problems, sound issues, etc.
Oh come on. Crappy presentation is not liberal bias. In fact, if you assume Hollywood has a liberal bias, then crappy presentation is proof that exhibitors are conservative. Because it's everywhere. And a bunch of ticket stubs without American Carol on the title just means that PACs across the nation are spending too much time in theatre dumpsters. I demand any ticket soaked in butter flavoring or soda be thrown out of the polling.

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