Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Enough Substance - Now Style!

Among the other hilarious things about last night debate:

Republicans consider planetariums to be the worst pork of all. They hate 'em! We can add planetariums to the list that also includes community organizers, grieving widows, people who gave George Bush good advice, Kathleen Lopez, Spain, France, and John McCain.

In the post-debate period, Barack and Michelle Obama hung around for about forty minutes and worked the room. John and Cindy McCain left after ten minutes. Because they hate Americans.

Post debate polling of undecided voters indicated increased positives for both candidates, but Obama's were more increased. But you know, the undecideds are in the tank for him.

Some say referring to Obama as "that one" was disrespectful. Me, I found it a little charming.

What was up with everybody wanting to break the debate rules? And would it have killed Brokaw to just say "No, shut up, we're moving on." Instead, as paraphrased on Wonkette:

9:46 — Someone finishes answering a question, meaning Tom Brokaw has to yell at them both again. How do you teach those who don’t want to learn? Answer: catty sarcasm. Brokaw basically asks them if they’ve heard of clocks, which can be very useful — they tell the “time” — and especially useful during, say, TOM BROKAW’S LAST DEBATE BEFORE HE DIES. John McCain says “no”, he doesn’t know about these new Apple time gadgets or whatever, and thens asks Tom to act like a crazy retard with hands flailing to tell him the time instead.
Oh how I love Wonkette.

I wonder if Republicans are still going to demand that Obama should do another 9 Townhall-style debates? There's probably time if they both can squeeze 'em in, and I bet McCain would crack by number 3, tops. He seemed a barely tamped down caldron of rage already last night. And yet, the promised "gloves" didn't "come off." My guess - he realized he wouldn't be able to put them back on once he got started.

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