Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Joe The Plumber Wins the Debate

Yeah, Joe the Plumber. I hope those guys warned him that they were going to make him into a national symbol.

The takeaway from this debate is both candidates have had their feelings hurt by negative campaigns. The hostility is so palpable I could taste it, and like evil itself, it tastes chalky. McCain had these crazy eyes; Obama had this smile that reminded me of James Coburn in THE PRESIDENT'S ANALYST, in the scenes just before he snaps. It's incredible that no blood was shed. Maybe Bob Scheiffer generates a paralysis field.

I wish I had CNN so I could watch those real-time reaction numbers. According to Wonkette when they talked about Sarah Palin, the Ohio women's line dropped like a clay pigeon. Props to Obama for declining to say negative things about her, and props to McCain for recognizing that saying bad things about Biden isn't a problem for him.

Did McCain turn it around? Oooooooh, I don't think so. Probably the best he has done is staunch the bleeding of support from his own party. Still, 19 days... that's an awful long time.

Oh yeah, one more thing... at the beginning, McCain pivoted away from that first question for a second to wish good luck to Nancy Reagan. But no love from either candidate for Dick Cheney! Wow! Low poll numbers punish everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I hear he's refusing to announce who he's voting for!

    I don't like either one of 'em, myself.
