Monday, October 20, 2008

Just Another Republican Jumpin' Ship

So over the weekend, some guy named Gen. Colin Powell went on Meet the Press for the sole purpose of endorsing Barack Obama for president. Actually it appeared to be at least a dual purpose, because he spent a good chunk of the half-hour castigating the Republican party for going so seriously off the rails.

And don't get me wrong, it's great to have Powell's endorsement. It's just... well, the pre-2000 Powell was a better "get." Nowadays, Powell is known for endorsing two other things that are a little dodgy:

Weapons of Mass Destruction - he put his considerable reputation behind that presentation to the UN, thus helping us into an unfortunate foreign policy decision; and

Ted Stevens - he just filed a letter with the court in the Ted Stevens bribery case. Even Sarah Palin is clamming up about Ted Stevens.

So the Powell Brand is a little diluted nowadays. That's all I'm sayin'.

***Update*** Wonkette mines the comedy gold for me by reprinting FREE REPUBLIC responses to the Powell endorsement. A sample that doesn't allude to racism: Clown Powell showed us his true colors with his endorsement of this communist weasel. He just spit in the face of the military he supposedly cares about.

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