Friday, October 17, 2008

Leave Joe The Plumber Alone!

I'm afraid we Democrats have fallen into a Malkin trap. It's a two step device. Step one is doing something that Michelle Malkin disagrees with, which give her an execuse to generate material:

The Left’s political plumbers are attacking the messenger, rummaging through his personal life, and predictably wielding the race card once again. It’s standard operating procedure for the Obama thug machine.
This isn't the dangerous part of the Malkin trap, because if you don't do something outrageous she'll make somethin' up. The dangerous part is stooping to her level.

When a family and Democrat political leaders drag a child down to Washington at 6 in the morning to read a script written by Senate Democrat staffers on a crusade to overturn a presidential veto, someone might have questions about the family’s claims. The newspapers don’t want to do their jobs. The vacuum is being filled.

If you don’t want questions, don’t foist these children onto the public stage.

Fight your battles like adults and stop hiding behind youngsters dragging around red wagons filled with your talking points.

Graeme Frost called! He wants his childhood back.

Thing is she's right this time. I'm tired of seeing people demonized and eviscerated, though I have to say Joe is more being teased and tweaked. But we don't have to do it. Those kinds of tactics are backfiring nowadays - let's take advantage of that and turn the discussion where it belongs, on policy. If nothing else, maybe it will finally marginalize Michelle Malkin


  1. I couldn't agree more. It's pretty low that the left is attacking this poor guy. All he did was ask a question of a politician. He didn't put himself up as some paragon of virtue, he didn't claim he was better or knew how to fix the world (unlike the Messiah). Yet, instead of addressing the PINT of the debate, the left engages in character assassination.


  2. As far as the pint of the debate goes (I'm glad the debate hasn't gone metric yet, because a pint is just right) Joe The Plumber went on CBS Friday morning and admitted that under the Obama tax plan, he would, indeed get a tax cut. And this morning Meet the Press and the Chris Matthews Show were mercifully light on Plumber jokes. So maybe Joe gets a little peace from here on in.

    -Daniel K, making fun of typos since 1696
