Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Racism Recap

About this "more non-racism" thing - it's been a while since the argument that prompted this series was advanced. Actually, it's been about a month and a half, but that's a long time in presidential politics. Only technology has a shorter shelf-life. Anyway, for those wondering why I keep dredging up these ugly images, here's LeShawn Barber at Pajamas Media from August. wouldn’t have anything to do with Obama’s liberal beliefs, inexperience, gaffes, and inconsistencies, would it? No, it’s because he’s black, says Heilemann and other liberals. Lurking just below the surface of any white person’s criticism of Barack Obama is racial bias. Heilemann’s article leaves the impression that Obama longs to take the high road and rise above such distractions; Republicans and other white people just won’t let him.
...He understands very well that his ethnicity distinguishes him in this election, and he’s counting on that distinction to help inspire voters. It’s why he’s injected race into the race. Yes, Obama is more than the color of his skin, but even he knows it’s an integral part of why some people support him.
Conservative bloggers have been arguing that prejudice played no part in the campaign except when Obama suggested that such a thing was a possibility. Even when a poll came out suggesting that up to 40 percent of Democrats were having trouble voting for Obama because of his race, the conclusion that I heard most often was "well, DEMOCRATS are racists, not Republicans." There is a special place in the denial hall of fame for that one. I suppose I shouldn't keep bringing it up because I've lost friends over this, but perhaps that's the best reason to keep bringing it up.

Anyway, a little context for your reading pleasure.

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