Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Explaining Alan Colmes

A helpful analogy to understand Alan Colmes' job at Fox News - he functioned as the Flu Shot of Liberalism. Instead of providing the real thing, Fox gave us a weakened strain, in hopes that real liberalism would stay away. And it largely worked! Still, if it had been a real balanced show, it would have been David Brooks and Colmes.


  1. Now you are sounding like the Ron Paulites that say no other person on the right is pure enou8gh but "Doctor" Paul.

    So, you don't like Colmes because he isn't a pure enough commie lib? I thought you guys were all "inclusive" and "loving" and all?

  2. ...Oh, and how would a "balanced show" be Brooks and Colmes? That would be one center lefty and Alan. How is that balanced?

  3. Apparently you think Colmes is more "pure liberal" than I do.

  4. Truthfully, I have no opinion about Colmes' level of purity. I just find it funny that YOU do, being all Mr. "tolerant" and stuff.

    Anyone with even a tiny bit of leftist leaning is an enemy to me. I have no interest in defining levels of leftism. Any is bad.
