Monday, November 24, 2008

Harry Shearer Reads MY Copy!

I almost forgot about this, but over the weekend Harry Shearer's LeShow featured an email written by yours truly.

There is a regular feature on the show called NEWS FROM THE DIGITAL WONDERLAND, about the impending disaster of the conversion to all-digital televsion. And I had this weird little problem where one of my local channels moved up the dial for the weekend, then came back again, so I helpfully provided a summary of my experience. The result? One of the best voice actors in the business puts my words into a pleasing, friendly baritone. My favorite part -- where I mention that I live in the San Fernando Valley, and Harry interjects "Everybody, say it with me: Awwwwwww."

Click here. The letter is in the first three minutes.


  1. damn man!!!!!!

    you've been immortalized!!

    his pause and reaction to "weirdnesses" was great.

    shiiiiiit... other than that im speechless.
