Friday, February 06, 2009

I'm Not 100% Down With Nadya Suleman

First of all, the idea that I'm even weighing in on Octo-Mom is creeping me out. What do I care? I have no right to tell a woman how many kids she should have. I myself have none, so I'm taking up some of the slack for her I guess. Leave Nadya alone!

Having said that, allow me to contradict myself.

A single unemployed woman should probably cap her mothering impulses a little earlier than at 14 children. Often corporate sponsors step in with multiple births to provide goods and services, but there's certainly no guarantee. How the hell is she going to pay for everything? One worries. There are diapers and shelter and of course, like in any livestock situation, the possibility of epidemics if one kid gets sick.

And one person raising fourteen children can't be the optimal ratio. She could be married, or get a couple of lesbians to move in. Whatever. Those kids need more parents.

There's been a lot of right-wing chatter about this (and left-wing chatter as well). The right wing seems to favor Nadya's position, and given that it will almost inevitably result in welfare and medicare claims I was a little mystified by this. Then it occurred to me: not only did Nadya choose to not have an abortion, but since the birth was the result of in-vitero fertilization, she didn't even have sex! I think that last one is the think that makes her a hero. Plus if I'm not mistaken, she's an ultra-fertile white woman, so John Gibson can say she's doing her part to keep the other guys from taking over.


  1. Congratulations, Piker!

    You are a father!

    Seeing as how she lives in California, and will soon be getting MediCal payments, you just became part of the solution to the "how the hell is she going to pay for those kids?" question.

    Make sure to smoke a cigar for me.

    You can still smoke cigars in California, can't you?

  2. Only the Governor is still allowed to smoke cigars here.

    Yeah, it sucks. The only good thing I can come up with is that Suleman's behavior isn't likely to start a trend.

  3. Really?

    I thought all trends started in California.

    Someone has to be first, rigth?

  4. People need to lighten up.

    Nadya Suleman is an inspiration.

    I'm cloning myself 14 times and going on welfare as an act of solidarity.
