Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Man Up! ***Update***

Republican Congressmen who voted against the stimulus bill are now in the perfect position register the ultimate protest. Since distributing these federal funds is so bad for the country, they can REFUSE THOSE FUNDS FOR THEIR DISTRICTS. If the Senators who voted against the bill are Republicans, they could save a little trouble and simply refuse the money for their whole states.

This is an obvious win/win. They will get votes by refusing that tainted stimulus money, and they can even make up the funding shortfall by cutting taxes.

You are seldom handed such an easy choice, Republicans! Stick to your guns! Show those other states that SOME representatives have principals!

***Update*** Publius points out in the comments that congressmen cannot refuse money that's offered in the stimulus, but they can speak out against it. Much like Republican Senator Kit Bond is doing.

Last week, Bond led a bipartisan group of Senators in introducing an amendment to help provide needy families affordable housing. Bond’s amendment provides $2 billion to fund low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC) projects that have been stalled by the financial credit crisis. As part of the Democrats’ spending bill now signed into law, the Senate unanimously accepted Bond’s provision. […]

This provision will have a real impact in Missouri, especially for low-income, working families in need of safe and affordable housing. … Bond’s amendment will save more than 700 housing units and create 3,000 new jobs in Missouri.
The fact that he voted against the bill shouldn't diminish his ability to take credit for the stimulus it provides. Though since (as we were often told) no Republican was allowed to participate in the writing of the bill, I'm a little confused about how he got that provision in there. Jedi mind trick maybe?

1 comment:

  1. Uh... no, they can't "refuse" any funds. They can SAY they don't want them, but Congressmen have no ability to "refuse" any funds. Once Congress makes the distribution it is then up to the state governments. Noe THEY can refuse the funds if they like. But Congressmen have no such ability.
