Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Still No Proof Of Why Everybody Hates Congress ***Updated***

Over at Where Are My Keys I've been engaged in a serial argument about those low congressional poll numbers. Since 2006 they've been pretty bad, squarely between the Bush low approvals and the Cheney deep-trench-low approvals. But why?

I have maintained that the Democrat-led congress has been blocked from any action by obstructionist Republicans, while WAMK maintains people disapprove of the Democrat attempts to pass their crazy laws, and are rooting for the Republicans to stop them.

So Gallup takes a poll this week, and here's the result.

See, look at that uptick there, right after the Stimulus Bill passed. What does it mean? Either people are pleased to finally see the Democrats accomplish something, or they're grateful for the Republicans valiant efforts to stop them. How can we know who the public is rooting for? HOW?

Just kidding. Polls don't prove anything.


My learned sparring partner comments below:

...you completely misread the second chart.

The graph doesn't show how people feel about the performance of the Parties, it's showing how people who AFFILIATE themselves with those parties feel about the job of Congress.

I could chide him for claiming to read my mind, but he's absolutely right, that's what I was thinking. So let's look again. Seems to me the responses of the Democrats and Republicans are predictable and not an indicator. Democrats like Congress more because they won the budget fight, Republicans like Congress less (only slightly less, that's interesting) because they lost. Independents like Congress more, but that doesn't prove anything for reasons stated before.

I suppose if you're some right wing thinkers you can take this to prove that most Americans hate congress more, because Democrats comprise the far radical left and Independents comprise the far left, and most of the country is center right. So the Republican graph represents 75% of the country. Can't argue with ya there, straw man.


  1. Piker, I know you have trouble understanding what you read and see, so I'll give you a little insight, ok?

    You are correct in that it is impossible to tell on the first graph on why approvals have "soared" to the point that "only" 69% of the people polled disapprove of what Congress is doing. (Hey, if you are happy with 31% approvals, more power to you!) Could be Repubs happy with the "no" votes, AND Dems happy with the "yes" votes.

    But you completely misread the second chart.

    The graph doesn't show how people feel about the performance of the Parties, it's showing how people who AFFILIATE themselves with those parties feel about the job of Congress.

    So some Democrats think Congress did well, a whopping 29% of Independants did, and 19% of Republicans did. Before you go blowing your horn, realize that 57% of YOUR PARTY don't approve of Congress.

    You DO understand the graph, right?
