Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Clearing Up The Confusion

Man, I'm really surprised that this took as long as it did.

Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele says he has reached out to Rush Limbaugh to tell him he meant no offense when he referred to the popular conservative radio host as an “entertainer” whose show can be “incendiary.”

“My intent was not to go after Rush – I have enormous respect for Rush Limbaugh,” Steele said in a telephone interview. “I was maybe a little bit inarticulate. … There was no attempt on my part to diminish his voice or his leadership.”
Well Mr. Steele, good for you for knowing your place. Wouldn't want to see an uppity chairman of the RNC now would we? After all, there can only be one leader of a party, and we wouldn't want it to be John McCain or Michael Steele. We want it to be the guy who doesn't do any, you know, governing. After all, a firm grip on realism is what has kept George W. Bush wildly popular to this day.

I'd be a little creeped out by Rush's behaivor if I were... well, come to think of it, if I were me. I know a lack of humility is part of his schtick; but for God's sake, you either want the reins and you have to behave responsibly, or you don't and you defer to the real leaders of your party. It's rude of me to go for a weight metaphor here, but Rush is going to like a 500-ton anchor on a 100-pound boat, and he's going to pull the Republican party straight down to the bottom of the Saragasso.

Why not Ann Coulter instead? She's just as entertaining and incindiary, and has the added advantage of being a white WOMAN, which is more in line with recent big tent rhetoric. Or hey, let's have Michelle Malkin writing policy. She's a woman and not white! Rush Limbaugh LOOKS like capitalism. Give him a top hat and monacle if you're going to make him your face.

Hey maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the nation is mostly dittoheads. Secret sleeper dittoheads, just waiting to activate when needed. Very clever of so many of them to vote for Obama, to throw people like me off the track. It must have been hard of them, holding back their extreme disgust, but the did it anyway; that's why they're so powerful.


  1. I think it's cute that you worry about Rush Limbaugh, yet don't have a care in the world about the spiraling debt, failing economic policies of Barack Obama, and the monsterous loss of value in your retirement account.

    Nice priorities.

    Where can I get a pair of those rose-colored glasses?

  2. My friend, Rush is directly rooting for spiraling debt, failing economic policies and the monstrous loss of retirement account value - that's how he wants Obama to fail.

  3. Not true at all, Piker, not true at all. Next time find out what the man REALLY said instead of allowing yourself to be programmed by the Dummicraticunderground.com site!

  4. Really?

    Cause I've heard him say numerous times that he wants the Socialism policies of Obama to fail.

    But I guess you listen to him more than I do.

  5. If he wants the policies to fail, then what is he hoping for in the economy?

    I don't know, maybe it's me. I don't listen to the whole three hours a day so I'm forced to rely on pull quotes, like "I don’t need 400 words, I need four: I hope he fails.” Or this exchange with Greg Sargent at THE PLUM LINE:

    ...Putting aside the question of what the policies are in your view destined to do, is it true that if they fail in their stated goal of righting the economy, won’t the country suffer further as a result?

    Rush answered:

    I reject your premise, especially since you are rejecting my answers. I will not put aside the question of what the policies are destined to do because that IS THE POINT."

    It doesn't seem like a particularly constructive message to me, and it seems to me that the leader of your party would be better served by someone who doesn't care if the country burns if it proves that he's right.

  6. Piker, when will Obama be appearing on Rush's show?

    "The defacto leader of the Republican Party" issued a challenge for The One to come on and debate his policies. Since the White House has said Limbaugh is the leader of the Party, is there any reason for Obama not to go on?

  7. Rush does interviews? With people he disagrees with?

    Well, I don't see why not. Obama has already done O'Reilly's show. I bet it happens.

  8. Well, Rush put the offer out yesterday. How long before The One accepts?

    Is there any reason why Obama wouldn't accept? I mean, Rush has an audince of over 20 million, and it would be a perfect platform for The One to reach out to people who aren't buying into his policies, right?

  9. Cons for Obama: waste of time because the dittoheads won't be moved by his rhetoric; waste of time talking to entertainer instead of running country. Pros: reinforces Rahm Emmanuel's meme that Rush is the leader of the Republican party, and Rush might be easily rattled by sharing the studio with a black man, therefore some good racist pull quotes.

    If I'm Rahm Emmanuel, I'm begging Obama to go on the show, but he might decide that his time would be better spent healing than potentially making Republicans look even worse.

  10. "Entertainer"? Gibbs, Rahm, Carville, Begala, they all seem to think Rush is the "de facto leader of the Republican Party".

    Don't look now, but Rush has been sharing the studio with a black man for over 20 years. I'd tell you who it is, but that would ruin your racist image of him, wouldn't it?

    Obama won't go anywhere near Rush's studio.

    Rush beats the Dems at their own game.


  11. I meant a black man who doesn't start every sentence with "Yes Rush, and..."

    In any event I hope you're wrong, and Obama sees the upside of spending an hour at EIB headquarters.
