Friday, March 13, 2009

The Elephant Code

These inexplicable talking points I've been worrying for the past couple of days... I think I'm starting to understand why they're inexplicable. The problem isn't Pelosi's frequent flier miles (Hastert put in more) nor is it Obama's teleprompter use. It's what these things MEAN.

I invite Republican readers to come out from behind the veil and plainly state what the talking points are implying, so we can argue about something sensible. I'd suggest a format like "Nancy Pelosi is a capricious bitch." We can work from there.


  1. Um... are you trying to pretend that your side doesn't do the same thing with "talking points"? What has your blog BEEN but talking points for the last few months?

  2. ... oh, and "Nancy Pelosi is a capricious bitch?" I wouldn't say "capricious." That indicates unbalanced thinking. She is quite balanced. She is an anti-American, socialist piece of crap but there is nothing capricious abut her. Her every move is meant to destroy the constitution, eliminate the USA and remake it as a less powerful, more communist version of france. But, you surely had the "bitch" part right.

    OK, there you go.Now what?

  3. So, you must not have a problem with the air travel.

  4. Not too much. I think its easy to abuse, but She's the speaker. I wish we'd have a Speaker that was more austere but, on the other hand, it is the least of our worries. So, I have to say it does not rank up there too high for me. I haven't written about it either.

  5. That's what's bugging me. The people who HAVE written about it won't say why they have.
