Monday, March 02, 2009

If You Love Joe The Plumber So Much, Why Don't You Buy His Book?

Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher signs his new book at the Borders at 18th and L streets NW, where only about a dozen people came to hear him read and only a few stayed afterward to get their copies signed. He says he's done with plumbing and plans to get into construction.

Gee, you'd think being an archetypal symbol would count for something in the publishing world, but you'd be wrong.


  1. Reminds me of the image of Cindy Sheehan sitting all alone in a tent with her books piled up. At least Joe has ONE guy. Sheehan had NONE.

    But, let's be honest, shall we. These snarky photos are meaningless. Fr all we know this was before the store opened and for all we know the photo of Sheehan I mention was after everyone left and her book signing was over.

  2. Snarky photo accompanies an article which notes that the signing ended after an hour, two hours before scheduled.
