Thursday, March 05, 2009

A Sensible Bod Mod

BBC reports that a previously blind man has been sucessfully outfitted with a bionic eye.

Ron had the experimental surgery in summer 2008 at Moorfield's eye hospital and has made good progress since. Ron, who lost his sight in his 40s due to retinitis pigmentosa, now has the ability to see flashes of coloured light and dark.

His treatment is part of an international trial carried out be an American company called Second Sight and he is one of the 18 patients across the world who taking part in the experiment.
Reportedly he can now discern the white lines on asphault and sort socks. Doesn't sound like much, but if you've been blind for 30 years it's nothin' to sneeze at. And the BBC isn't at all snippy about the fact that the eye still isn't good enough for him to enjoy Dr. Who reruns.


  1. I recall Stevie Wonder having some sort of experimental surgery some time ago, that was going to allow him to see shapes and colors, but never heard anything else on it. I wondeer if this is the same type of procedure.

  2. I bet it's similar technology, though it probably didn't do anything for Mr. W.
