Sunday, June 14, 2009

More Non-Racism: Gorilla My Dreams

I've decided to stop numbering these posts now, for the same reasons that after a certain age you don't put a candle for every year on your birthday cake.

COLUMBIA, SC (WIS) - A state Republican activist has admitted to and apologized for calling a gorilla that escaped from the Riverbanks Zoo Friday an "ancestor" of First Lady Michelle Obama.

A screen capture of the comment, made on the Internet site Facebook, was obtained by FITSNews, the website of South Carolina politico Will Folks.

The image shows a post by an aide to state Attorney General Henry McMaster describing Friday morning's gorilla escape at Columbia's Riverbanks Zoo.

Longtime SCGOP activist and former state Senate candidate Rusty DePass responded with the comment, "I'm sure it's just one of Michelle's ancestors - probably harmless."

DePass told WIS News 10 he was talking about First Lady Michelle Obama.

DePass has been involved in state politics for decades, and helped elect Republican Governor Jim Edwards in 1974. He was an early South Carolina supporter of former President George W. Bush in 2000.

We spoke with DePass over the phone Friday night. He said, "I am as sorry as I can be if I offended anyone. The comment was clearly in jest."...He also said, "The comment was hers. Not mine," saying the first lady made statements in the media recently saying we are all descendants of apes.

But an Internet search for those comments turned up no news articles of the like.
Good luck in 2010, boys!


  1. A Primate Evolutionist (APE)Sunday, June 14, 2009 4:43:00 PM

    I'm very confused.

    Don't all of you non-believing, evolutionist-type people believe we can from primates? I certainly dod when I was one of you. What's the big deal? You agree with what they said, right, as an evolutionist?

    Only us Bible thumping, Christ-fearing, cling to our guns people know that we didn't come from apes.

    Why even post this, KIRY?

  2. You probably missed the word "racism" in the title there, my highly evolved friend. Evolution is merely the red-herring excuse that DePass is putting out there for his remark.

  3. So you feel this guy should be treated the same as Letterman, right? A joke gone bad? Both guys apologized, so it's no big deal.


  4. Touche!

    As a matter of fact, I'm only too happy to let both of these guys shoot their mouths off, as long as no one stops me from commenting on it.

    If you laugh at their jokes for reasons which make you ashamed, well, it's an opportunity to learn a little something about yourself.

    To skip a step here, let's go straight to O'Reilly. Non-comedians have a greater responsibility. No one is going to knock up a Palin offspring because Letterman made a joke about it. But I'll allow if Rachael Maddow implied that it would be the moral thing to do once a week for a year, I would think she deserved some of the blame if someone did it.
