Tuesday, July 21, 2009


The President goes before cameras pretty soon and will take another stab at unscaring America about health care reform. The bill isn't even written yet but I gotta tell you, if it looks anything like the current bill by the time they vote for it, Obama would be wise to veto it and start over in 2011.

We don't need insurance sold by the government. We need universal health care, health care run as a service like the police and fire department. We need, essentially to pay $100 more to taxes and $300 less to insurance companies.

We need to screw the insurance companies. I can't put it any plainer than that. They can still have auto and homeowners and life, that's fine. Because I can live my life without driving and I could rent, but if I don't visit doctors, I'm probably dead at 50. I wouldn't even know I had a cholesterol problem if I had to pay full price for checkups. I am for free market solutions except in cases where the market offers you a choice between using their product or DEATH. I don't like to negotiate if I can't walk away from the deal. If I have to be carried away from the deal that's even worse.

Americans pay twice as much per capita for medical care than any other nation, and a lot of that money goes to employees who are earning bonuses by finding ways to avoid paying for care that you thought were buying. Afraid that socialized medicine will stop you from getting to choose your doctor? In the past ten years I have been forced to change doctors 5 times, and had no doctor for an aggregate of 5 months.

If Obama can get a health care system set up like in all the other major industrialized countries, he will have achieved lasting savings AND made everybody's lives better. Which is why, when you see Republicans fighting to keep Blue Cross executives from losing their bonuses, you should remember that their agenda is to keep Obama from looking good. It's NOT to help America.

Unless you believe that Obama serving a second term is a worse disaster than anything else, of course. But I'm going cover that concept in a different entry.


  1. "I don't like to negotiate if I can't walk away from the deal"

    Then why would you want bureaucrat controlled health "care"? Once big daddy government gets hold of your health "care" you will HAVE no choices, you will be TOLD what you are doing. And THAT will be THAT.

    Oh, and by the time you are 50, your bean counting government "doctors" will decide that you are too old to be worth the expense of medical care, anyway, so I wouldn't worry about it.

  2. "Oh, and by the time you are 50, your bean counting government "doctors" will decide that you are too old to be worth the expense of medical care, anyway, so I wouldn't worry about it."

    Based on what historical precedent, exactly? And what makes it different than the insurance companies?

  3. If you want precedent, check out every country that already has this socialist, unbending, uncaring system. Just last week I saw a story in the Yorkshire Post where an elderly Englishman couldn't get his heart operation because the government decided he wasn't worth the costs. It happens every day in Canada, France, Germany... etc.

    And why is it different than the insurance companies? Because with them you can change insurance or figure a way to get it on your own (what ever the "it" is that you want or need). Then there is the government help that already exists added to that.

    But, once government takes over everything (and that is exactly what they want despite the lies they are floating saying they only want to "compete"), there will BE no place else to go. Once big daddy government says too bad for you... that's it. There is no "choice" that CommieObamaie keeps pretending he wants. No choice, only dictation. The standard of care for every American will go down if Obamacare passes.

  4. Me. myself & I, or, Dan, Danny & DanielTuesday, July 21, 2009 11:22:00 PM

    "Because I can live my life without driving and I could rent, but if I don't visit doctors, I'm probably dead at 50."

    Glad to know you speak for all 300,000,000+ of us in the US. If it's good for DanielK, it MUST be good for everyone.

    You're so thoughtful. I'm so glad I have you thinking for me.

  5. Publius, I KNOW you don't believe that a guy who loses his insurance because they don't want to cover his cancer treatments is going to just shop around and find someone else to insure him. Life is cruel - is it too much to ask that it be less expensive?

    And I still dont know how private doctors will be banned under any plan proposed, or how any of the countries (lets just admit it's ALL of them) don't have private physicians. They do! If the government won't cover you any more, you can still hire your private physician, just like you can in America, today.

    GWK (it's just easier to spell than your nom du jour) so you don't think you need insurance? I thought you SOLD insurance or something. Why do you feel compelled to pay full price for doctors?
