Wednesday, July 01, 2009

God Has Forsaken Republicans

The only opinion poll that matters: eight years ago George Bush averred that he ran for President because God wanted him in office. But look at this World Net Daily interview with "Joe" the "Plumber":

Asked if he has plans to run for public office, he replied, "I hope not. You know, I talked to God about that and he was like, 'No.'"

He continued, "I believe he's gotten me on this grassroots movement. If I can encourage leaders to step up, that's what I would like to do. That's a heavy role. That's something I don't know if I am prepared to do yet."

But Wurzelbacher said he will keep that door open if God ever calls him to be that leader.
That's right, even God himself is telling those cats to lay low for a while. And after all they've done for him! You know what, I think God is a RINO. He should be kicked out of the party.


  1. "eight years ago George Bush averred that he ran for President because God wanted him in office"

    And that would be a lie. He assumed no such thing, nor did he say so.

  2. "I've heard the call. I believe God wants me to run for president."
    -- George W Bush, quoted from Aaron Latham, "How George W Found God," George Magazine, September, 2000

  3. "I've heard the call. I believe God wants me to run for president."

    That is a far different thing than saying God "wanted him in office." Additionally, it is a common supposition from everyone that is religious, to say that they feel God led them to do something is common as dirt, my friend. But it is not the same thing as saying that God told them to do it because it is some "right" of theirs to do a thing, or that they are destined to be "the" one to do a thing.

    Bush never said that God preordained his presidency, nor that He, Bush, had some God chosen right to be president. He said he felt the call to run and knew he could have lost.

    Then again, we DO know that you and your anti-religious left-wingers are simply looking to nit pick your most hated president. After all, if you REALLY cared about the "religion thing" you'd be just as mad at Obama. In fact, more so. He's used religious allusions far more than Bush ever dreamed of doing.

    In fact, you'd hate every president no matter the party nor the era. They have ALL said similar things. Even the supposedly "deist" Jefferson did.

    Ah, consistency. It's a be-atch ain't it?

  4. I have to admit, I don't remember Nixon or Regan or Clinton saying something similar, but I'll defer to your historical smarts.
