Monday, August 03, 2009


I had occasion this weekend to get a free tarot card reading from someone who makes a living doing that. It was amazingly accurate - I mean, she got me exactly right except my age, which she had about ten years too low. But she knew I was smart, and didn't have a girlfriend right now, and was sometimes shy. Who'd have thought that a deck of cards could tell so much?

Not me, that's for sure.

No, really, I don't think they did. Obviously the cards had nothing to do with it. I don't know if there is such a thing as psychic ability, but if there is it's not a marketable skill. However, the ability to convince someone you are psychic based on a little idle chit chat during shuffling and watching people's reactions as you throw out guesses about them -- that's golden. It isn't recognized enough what a feat that is. I believe it takes a kind of genius.

By the way, all of the guesses I mentioned in that first paragraph - I was at a singles party for people ages 40 and over. The best part for me is that she still pegged me at 35 years old, so I must be looking awfully young lately.

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