Monday, August 31, 2009

Who Hates America Again?



  1. Of course, it doesn't surprise me that liberals want to make fun of any movement based on the U.S. Constitution. After all, Liberals hate that document with all their hearts. It gets in the way of their totalitarian statism.

  2. I probably should have specified it's successionist tenthers, but I assumed you were going to read the link.

  3. I did. I don't see any reason to get all excited about secessionists. It ain't like it was in the 1850s. See, just a few more than the 20 people pushing the idea in your link were around to push secession way back when. I think you could find as many people ready to push secession now as you can find that think we never landed on the moon. They may even be the same folks. Heck, I'd bet there are even more make-pot-legal goofballs out there than secessionists (probably even at your dinner parties). So, you getting all excited about secessionists shows me ya got nuthin. And it's sort of funny, too. Now, the big question is, when will you write that long planned expose on flat earthers?
