Friday, September 11, 2009

Remembering 9/11

Yes I remember it, but I have nothing fresh or interesting to say.

***Update*** But these guys do!


  1. I am glad they were able to make a joke out of 3,000 people's deaths. That was great. Wonderful. Fantastic. Hip, hip, horrah.

  2. What they were able to make a joke about, in fact, is people's crass attempts to use 9/11 to sell something. Tell the truth, I'm grateful that's its just baked goods for a change.

  3. Looks more like they are making fun of ANY attempt to memorialize 9/11. Further more, one has to assume that the cakes were somehow disingenuous. Likely they weren't. You cake snarkers were practicing projection of you ask me. THEY devalue memorializing 9/11 so the ASSume that the cake makers were too.

  4. (I meant your cake snarkers, not you cake snarkers.)

  5. Maybe the problem is that they're memorializing 9/11 with cake. Perhaps if they'd sold 9/11 deodorant or 9/11 jeans it would have been more tasteful.

  6. ...or, perhaps you'd prefer to forget 9/11 entirely? The rest of your side of the aisle does and you don't want to be the odd man out, right?

  7. Every time I remember 9/11, I remember who was supposed to be preventing it when it happened.

  8. Oh, you mean Clinton? Yeah, he is responsible for allowing it to go on unabated. Of course, then there's always that bin Ladden fellow. He has a share of the blame, too.
