Friday, October 09, 2009

It, Robot

I took advantage of a 1/3 off deal at last week and ordered up a Roomba. This is one of those purchases I've resisted for years but the price is right and I vaccum my apartment maybe once a month. Since last night, Roomba has vaccumed twice.

Brief review: the Roomba missed a few spots that I would have gotten during the hour it ran last night; however it's more to the point that it missed the spots while I watched Netflix. Daddy likes. Plus I like the idea that it's a robot that is far more effective not looking like a smoother version of a person. Roomba looks like a hyper-frisbee. That certainly cuts into the creepiness factor! I can't envision the Roombas banding together to take my job, for example. I CAN imagine them cleaning up where I work.

So a couple of thumbs up. Why not? My hands are free.

1 comment:

  1. My guess... roomba made this post! The's takin' over the world... or at least your apartment.
