Tuesday, January 05, 2010

I'm Going To Take A Month Off

I might post on the weekends, but don't hold your breath bucko. I'm doing a play with a very short rehearsal schedule and so I'm giving up some of my other free time to fit it in. Hope nothing important happens while I'm gone! If Republicans get control of something, let me know.


  1. QUICK, guys. While Piker ain't lookin' we can launch our plans for world domination!

  2. Does a Senate seat and a House seat from ND count?

    How about the Governorship of Colorado?

    Might be a bit longer than a month, but those three (and probably more) will be under Republican control come November.

  3. Taking a month off? Heck, we thought you've already been doing that, 'cause you've run out of excuses for your boy.

  4. Just a moment... did you say "your BOY"?

  5. Hey, don't forget to support Marcia Coakley tomorrow.
