Friday, October 10, 2008

Well, That's Better

Good on ya, Walnuts:

After days of watching in silence, McCain calms the crowd at his Minnesota town meeting.

“I want everyone to be respectful. And let’s make sure we are, because that’s the way politics is done in America.”

Tells one supporter who says he’s scared of an Obama presidency: “I have to tell you, he is a decent person, a person that you do not have to be scared [of] as president of the United States.”

After a woman calls Obama an Arab, McCain interrupts to say: “No m’am, He is a decent family man, citizen.”
(h/t The Page at

And while we're at it: I finally found the thing McCain suggested this morning, the sensible proposal that he made while taking time off from bashing his opponent. Justin Fox isn't so sure it's a good idea, and I'm going to let him tell it.

John McCain is suggesting on the campaign trail today that the IRS rules that require owners of retirement accounts (IRA, 401ks, etc.) to withdraw a certain amount (there's a formula) from those accounts every year after they turn 70 1/2 ought to be suspended because of the market crash.

Sayeth the Senator from Arizona: To spare investors from being forced to sell their stocks at just the time when the market is hurting the most, those rules should be suspended.

It doesn't seem like a bad idea at first glance. If there are any tax lawyers or others out there who think it is, please let me know. But it also seems pretty trivial. First of all, the only people the suspension would help are those who don't need the money right now. And for the bulk of retirees (that is, people in their 70s) the required annual withdrawal amount is 5% or less of the total in the account. Still, this could be a big deal for 100-year-olds, who must withdraw as much as 16% a year. They should definitely vote for McCain.

I wasn't aware of the fractional amounts involved when I heard the proposal, but that doesn't alter the fact that it makes sense to suspend the rule, so I have two good things to laud Mac for today. And frankly, I'd be happier if there were more. Hate isn't doing the country any good right now.


  1. I'm kinda curious what "Walnuts" means?

  2. "Walnuts" is the snarky Wonkette nickname for McCain. I think it refers to the unusual topology of his cheeks.

  3. Ah! No wonder I didn't get the reference. Usually if I want the meanderings of an aging whore, I'd rather flip on a TV and catch Pamela Anderson. So, I rarely look up the profane, yet curiously prosaic, Wonkette.

  4. You know, the woman who started Wonkette actually works for Time now. Wonkette is currently run by men. I think some of 'em are gay.

  5. I'd say its obvious they are gay. I did know she worked for Time, but I was not aware she'd quit the blog.

    I am not plugged in what that kind, for sure.
