Monday, March 09, 2009

Republicans: Taking Their Ball And Going Home

“We will lose on legislation. But we will win the message war every day, and every week, until November 2010...Our goal is to bring down approval numbers for [Speaker Nancy] Pelosi and for House Democrats. That will take repetition. This is a marathon, not a sprint.”

-Patrick McHenry, in the National Review

To me, this seems a lot like puncturing the life raft when the rest of the passengers refuse to follow your directions to paddle north, especially after they've been paddling north a long time and now there are just more sharks.


  1. Democrats outta know... they've been doing it for decades. You didn't seem to mind it then.

  2. Yeah, if there is one thing Democrats are known for it's their rigid, lockstep refusal to break ranks; their ruthless organization. No wonder we're so good at keeping on message!

  3. Actually, they are. Look at your baby killing president. He talk, talks, talks about being "bi-partisan" and does NOTHING to compromise.

  4. That whole "does nothing to compromise" talking point intrigues me, but I can't argue your point because we're obviously speaking different languages. What does "nothing" mean in yours?

  5. Nothing as in he's done nothing. He's had nice parties and a few drinks with Republicans. But it amounts to no compromises, no working together, no changes in his Euro-socialist policies. Remember, he told us how he really feels: "I won." THAT is all we've gotten from him despite all his mealy mouthing of "bipartisanship." And it's all we will ever get. Bush DID work with Democrats. Far too much for my liking. But Obama has done NOTHING.

  6. Obama DID appoint a few Republicans to cabinet positions, strongarmed more tax cuts into the stimulus bill despite advice not to from economists, and talked congress into removing certain objectionable provisions early on. He might have done even more if you guys had shown any sign of cooperating.

    Y'all aren't giving him any incentive to continue, either.
