Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Hoax or Lie?

What do you think? Is Breitbart just making this crap up or is there a tree somewhere within a hundred miles of the White House with these ornaments? White House 008

White House 005


Publius said...

With the commies we have in the White House today? Heck, I'm surprised that they haven't added a national holiday for Max and Mau's birthdays! And with the left-wing's hatred of Christmas, I'm surprised they have a tree at all. I guess they compromised by having the commie ornaments and what not.

Publius said...

... on the other hand, if you can show me the long chain of hoaxes that Breitbart has been involved in and I might consider the hoax part. If we are going to impugn the source (as you have) then let's see your evidence that the source cannot be trusted.

piker62 said...

Publius said...

I will go take a look at those, but with Media Matters as YOUR source, I already doubt the claims... talk about false talking point, MM has them in spades. But, I have to say, I did ask for the hoaxes he was involved in, not his political interpretations and ideological talking points. But if one of those links is a hoax, I'll concede the point.

piker62 said...

I'm sorry I didn't have time this morning to source beyond Media Matters. Still, you routinely dismiss the entire Main Stream Media because of their supposed left-wing bias, so as a fair man perhaps you'll apply the same standard to BB.

Dan Rather said...

Media Matters qualifies as "Main Stream Media"?

Awesome. I might get my job back.

Media Matters said...

Hey, since you believe everything on our site, you are all in favor of "Safe Schools Czar" and his guidelines for fisting, providing a list of gay bars to teens, and useful info on how to have a relationship with an older dude, right?

I think we can help you in your CraigsList "MM4M" searches, too. Just pick up one of our guides!

piker62 said...

Seems to me that discarding everything thats reported based on perceived bias, rather than evaluating on a case-by-case basis, is exactly what I'm being accused of.

And as evidenced here, it's no way to get an accurate picture of the world. If THAT'S what you're interested in.