Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Early Shots in the War On Jews

(CNN) – One of the nation’s most prominent evangelicals has entered the debate over whether Anthony Weiner will benefit from therapy, encouraging the embattled Jewish New York congressman to try Jesus instead.

Albert Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, tweeted this message of the weekend: “Dear Congressman Weiner: There is no effective ‘treatment’ for sin. Only atonement, found only in Jesus Christ."

The tweet set some tongues a wagging, especially because Weiner is Jewish.

USA Today said the remark echoed Fox News' Brit Hume comment that golfer Tiger Woods, a Buddhist, should try Christianity after he became embroiled in a sex scandal last year.

Mohler, who leads the flagship school of the Southern Baptist Convention - the nation's largest evangelical denomination – took to his blog Tuesday to defend himself amid the controversy, noting that his tweet “never mentioned Judaism.”
Remember, every time they say America is a "Christian Nation" and there's a "war on Christmas" this is what they really mean - convert now! This is why I can never be a Republican - I'm an atheist. They won't even let me in the tent.

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